our story

Lauren and Monica are sisters, who both live in New York. Lauren is a mom of three beautiful children. After her first son was born, Lauren realized the importance of sleep, for her baby and her sanity. After eight weeks of little to no sleep, Lauren engaged a private sleep consultant for help. Sure enough, it worked… and she used these methods for all three kids. As her kids grew so happy and healthy, she reflected back to their formative years and on the importance of sleep in their early development and its contributions to who they were growing into today. It was then that she decided to expand her learning and became a certified baby and toddler sleep consultant. Lauren also has her Master’s in Early Childhood Education and Special Education.

Cue Monica. Monica is a mom of one and an HR professional. She watched countless moms return from maternity leave sleep deprived and depleted. She quickly realized that the most common but unseen obstacle of being a working mom is sleep. There had to be a solution, so they got to talking while Monica was on maternity leave. Together, they developed the Dozy Sleep Method.

Together they consulted physicians, researched the science, and vowed not to let another of their Millennial friends suffer from sleep deprivation due to bad baby habits. And the Dozy Sleep Method was born. Dozy is grounded in science, which guarantees moms, and babies, endless nights of uninterrupted sleep.


Lauren Dortona


Monica Gettinger

Voorhees, New Jersey


Voorhees, New Jersey

Armonk, New York

lives in


Cameron, Emmie & Juliette

kids names

Just Teddy, for now

University of Maryland

alma mater

University of Maryland

ice cream in bed,
Bridesmaids (the movie)

guilty pleasure

Real Housewives of anything,
adult coloring books

being late

pet peeve

loud breathers, dirty dishes in the sink

(extra) dirty martini

most chill

warm apple cider, sometimes with whipped cream if I’m feeling bad

public speaking 

biggest stress

being trapped in awkward conversation with a stranger
Lauren Dortona

Lauren Dortona


Voorhees, New Jersey

lives in

Armonk, New York

kids names

Cameron, Emmie & Juliette

alma mater

University of Maryland

guilty pleasure

ice cream in bed,
Bridesmaids (the movie)

pet peeve

being late

most chill

(extra) dirty martini

biggest stress

public speaking 


Monica Gettinger


Voorhees, New Jersey

lives in


kids names

Just Teddy, for now

alma mater

University of Maryland

guilty pleasure

Real Housewives of anything, adult coloring books

pet peeve

loud breathers,
dirty dishes in the sink

most chill

warm apple cider,
sometimes with whipped cream if I’m feeling bad

biggest stress

being trapped in awkward conversation with a stranger

Our favorite things

Coffee in bed • Pajama Sets • Beach hair • Vintage Seltzer • Reruns of Grey’s Anatomy • Thanksgiving side dishes • Beach vacations • Fuzzy socks • Fried Green Tomatoes (the movie)